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Empower Coaching & Consulting 生活職涯教練/企業管理顧問
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🎉🎉🎉 熱烈慶祝!🎉🎉🎉 我們成為美國上市集團 Wiley 旗下具有權威性的性格測評工具 Everything DiSC® 的官方授權合作夥伴了!!!🎉🎉🎉 Empower 將持續運用具有國際認證的測評工具來提供給大家最專業的服務!❤️❤️❤️
為幫助更多人突破性格限制,我們目前正致力於打造在不同領域的 DISC 專家,透過提供一系列的國際認證課程,除了培訓專業的 DISC 國際專業執行師來使用 Everything DiSC® 的測評報告外,也讓更多人能來參加不同場景的工作坊,與不同性格的人一起共學和共創豐盛的學習體驗,讓更多人能在自我成長的路上少走點彎路,並且協助組織有效地提升團隊溝通效能! 🔥 馬上報名 |7 大國際認證課程 🔥 馬上預約 |1 對 1 專屬的性格分析顧問諮詢
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網站架好拉!歡迎來逛逛 🤗

品牌故事 Brand story

創立於2020年,秉持 Create Value for Others(為他人創造價值) 的中心思想,認為每個人身上都有他人所需的資源,而走過的經驗只要透過有效分享及引導,都能為他人創造價值,持續綻放自己的光芒 。
Founded in 2020. Aiming to Create Value for Others, we believe that everyone has something unique that others may need. By sharing and being coached effectively these experiences can aid and create new insights and opportunities for others.
Empower yourself and shine your light!
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品牌服務 Brand service

Everything DiSC® 高度個人化行為風格專業分析報告解讀
Everything DiSC®Personalized Behavior Analysis Report
Everything DiSC® 高度個人化行為風格專業分析報告解讀 #每個人都需要的一份個人說明書 Everything DiSC®Personalized Behavior Analysis Report
DiSC 性格行為風格分析
DiSC 性格行為風格分析

Personal career exploration
Create training courses that meet organizational goals and organizational culture for different companies, and provide professional talent training programs. Through diversified curriculum design, the positive learning atmosphere of the enterprise/organization can be improved.
企業培訓課程設計 為不同企業打造符合組織目標及組織文化的培訓課程,並提供專業人才培養計劃。透過多樣化的課程設計,能提升企業/組織的正向學習氛圍。 Personal career exploration Create training courses that meet organizational goals and organizational culture for different companies, and provide professional talent training programs. Through diversified curriculum design, the positive learning atmosphere of the enterprise/organization can be improved.

Subconscious exploration
Effectively guide the individual to perceive the inertial pattern of everything happening, from the source of the thought to making conscious adjustments. It can help individuals or partners to promote a good relationship.
潛意識探索 有效引導個體從思想的源頭察覺出每件事發生的慣性模式,進而有意識地進行調整。可協助個人或伴侶間提升良好的關係。 Subconscious exploration Effectively guide the individual to perceive the inertial pattern of everything happening, from the source of the thought to making conscious adjustments. It can help individuals or partners to promote a good relationship.
Inner Strength
Inner Strength 潛意識的力量

Personal career exploration
Our consultants can provide their professional working experiences to help you grow from the workplace and build a suitable developing career plan together with you.
個人職涯發展探索規劃 透過資深顧問的豐富職場經驗,幫助個體從現況提煉出有效的成長建議,找到適合的發展方向。 Personal career exploration Our consultants can provide their professional working experiences to help you grow from the workplace and build a suitable developing career plan together with you.
中 / 英語履歷健檢;模擬面試
中 / 英語履歷健檢;模擬面試 讓曾為上市公司的部門面試官與你分享企業人才篩選的視角,讓你快速掌握強化自我優勢的履歷要點,打造吸睛的職涯履歷
CV Health Screening; Interview practice Let departmental interviewers who used to work for a listed company share with you the perspective of how corporate talent screening works. You will learn how to improve your resume and strengthen your own advantages. At the end you will be able to create an effective and eye-catching career resume that will help you get the position you aspire.
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創始人 Founder

Emily Su

相信每個人都有其潛能,除了靠自己找到屬於自己的 power 之外,藉由外力的激發也很重要。empower 這個單詞在中文裡可解讀為賦能、給人做事的權力等,而當時會選擇這個名字,除了看重它字面的意思外,還有一個很有趣的連結是 em 剛好是我英文名字 Emily 的暱稱,也是英文口語表達中的“ 他們( them) ”,因此正好能譜出一段夢想中的願景:將自己擁有的資源與他人分享,為他人創造價值並激勵人們能過得更好,與不同的人和經驗連結讓 em(them) 把 power 帶出來。
I believe that everyone has their potential. In addition to finding their own power within themselves, it is also important to be inspired by external influences. The word empower in Chinese can be interpreted as giving people the power to do things. At that time I chose this word because, next to its literal meaning, there are also very interesting connections that "em" happens to be the nickname of my English name Emily and the spoken form of "them". The combination of these two words reflect my vision: share what I know to create value for others, inspire people to live better, connect with different people and experiences. Let em (them) bring out the power.

領域 Backgrounds

  • NLP Master Practitioner, International Society of Neuro-Semantics
    • 美國 ISNS 協會認可 NLP 身心語言程式學高級執行師
  • Certified DiSC® Trainer & Everything DiSC Authorized Partner
    • 美國上市集團 Wiley 認可 DiSC 認證培訓師 & 官方授權合作夥伴
  • TQUK Level 3 Award in Coaching and Mentoring, Training Qualifications UK
    • 英國 TQUK 企業教練及指導認證
  • OH card Facilitator
    • 德國 OH card 潛意識圖卡執行師
  • Global Career Development Facilitator Programme
    • 全球職涯發展師認證課程
  • Lead the team to achieve the SGS International Service Certification for years and the first SGS Qualicert 7-star Service in the world. 連續多年帶領團隊通過 SGS 國際服務認證及全球首個 7 星級服務
  • 9 years of leading and managing teams overseas
    • 海外職場團隊帶領及管理經驗 9 年
  • 9 years of personal career exploration and group training
    • 個人職涯成長探索及團體培訓經驗 9 年
  • Hundreds of 1-on-1 coaching and consulting experiences
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Copyright® Emily Su 2021