非常漂亮又充滿設計感的圖卡!由知名心靈作家Louise Hay創作,超喜歡這一系列對生命及心靈的小語,短短的一句就足以牽動整個心靈的狀態,無論遇到什麼情況,這套卡片的設計都能很快的讓人
。This beautifully designed deck of 64 powerful affirmations and spiritual meditations will help you meet your day-to-day experiences with love and peace. The 4" x 4" cards are a convenient size for placing around your home, car, workplace, or anywhere you will see them often. Spread the joy by offering some to friends and family. Meditate on a different card each morning and bring its positive energy into your day. Know that no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how difficult things may be, at the very center of your being you are safe and you are whole. You always will be.