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Time saver. Love it, I do a lot of tutorials and had to blur sensitive information by editing videos. It was taking a lot of time. Now I save ton of time by clicking blur with BlurWeb app. So many hours saved.
Blur any web elements with single click be it heading, paragraph, image or a video.
Once installed, simply hover on the section of the page you want to blur, and click your mouse button, that's it!

Blur Area anywhere on webpage

Draw a rectangle anywhere on the page and we will make it blur while making it stay where you want.
Loved the new one, 'blur area' make this plugin even more complete. 👏👏👏 Blur sensitive information on screenshots are easier than ever.
Click Keep blur before you Blur any web elements with single click or blur area and it will stay with reload or if you open that url again.
It hides my sensitive information, even when I livestream! It seems really simple, but it's really needed to keep your private life, well, private from prying eyes.

And More...

Control blur intensity, click to clear all blur, blur selected text and much more.
When I first bought this it was basic, but did what it said. Since then the developer has improved and added a lot of features and user interface improvements based on users feedback, so now it is better and more user friendly than ever.
safari(coming soon) and all chromium browsers Brave, Opera, Vivaldi and more...
Download and Install blurweb from chrome web store for chrome and other chromium browser, firefox addons store for firefox

We are loved by more than 1000+ Content creators, agency owners, teachers and many more

Rated 4.9/5 based on 158+ reviews.
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Simple And Fast I bought this because of the very low cost and because it looked simple and fast to use. And, indeed, it is simple and fast and just works. I like blurring out things in a simple explainer video BEFORE I make the video rather than having to use a video editor later.
We are recording tons of videos to explain software and often need real data in the accounts to demonstrate stuff. This saves tons of time...super simple - great produkt and easy to use!.
Must have extension if you make videos or share screenshots 😍 This is what I was missing for many years, it was a pain to take a screenshot and then blur the parts I do not want others to see. Such a simple, nice idea but extremely useful. Highly recommend taking at least one code.
Great Extension, Saves Time. I need to to create video recording of the screen for customer onboarding and for sending to prospects. It is a big hassle to create video and then blurr sensitive information using other tools. Thanks to this wonderful extension, it takes away the hassle and makes it convenient for me. A real practical solution and easily worth 10 times its price imo. Big Thanks to the developer!
The simplest app I ever use, and yet it's saved lots of time. I used to use video software just to hide sensitive information. Now, it's just a matter of click, click and click. No need to worry about after production works. It's there and ready to use when screen sharing is needed!
Time saver. Love it. Love it. Love it. I do a lot of tutorials and had to blur sensitive information by editing videos. It was taking a lot of time. Now I save ton of time by clicking blur with BlurWeb app. So many hours saved. Thank you so much Sanskar.
Simple, Affordable, and Effective. No need to worry about sensitive data being exposed once you have this tool. Easy to install and activate. More power to the product. :)
I'm using Blurweb when doing screen shares over Zoom. Prior to having this, I couldn't display screens with sensitive data, this has been a game changer! Highly recommended.
Nothing is more frustrating than watching a screen capture video and finding that you need to blur out this section or that. Ugh, helps to blur sensitive information on a webpage in few clicks so you don't have to in post-production video editing
If you share screen, teach a class, do screenshots or anything with sensitive information that you want to blur (live) and then share with the world. Then you need BlurWeb-app. 5 tacos
This covers sensitive information when you are recording a demo on your screen. You blur it in advance OR pause the recording and blur it first then continue the recording. I'm so grateful to have found this app, it's so helpful! Many thanks to the author.
Money Well Spent Does exactly what it says on the tin. Ideal for lives and means you don't have to record a video and then blur sensitive info. For me one usage and it's paid for itself. Recommended, simple extension.
Simple & Effective, Does exactly what it say. Valuable for anyone doing screen-captures or live video.
Great, small, original and very useful plugin. Sometimes such an opportunity was greatly lacked. I will blur now ..))
All the tacos for Blurweb, Blurweb is an easy and helpful tool. I do like 'keep changes' feature and loved the new one, 'blur area' make this plugin even more complete. 👏👏👏 Blur sensitive information on screenshots are easier than ever and I do not have to make video's edition in many cases anymore. It is saving me a lot of time. The support is lightening flash, I think was the fastest support e-mail response I got so far on appsumo deals. I found the deal by accident. I was not looking for this kind of feature and I did not know I needed that much… but now I can not live without! 🤩🧡
Easy to blur a web page As many of the previous reviewers have noted, this Chrome extension is easy to install and use. Once installed, simply click on the section of the page you want to blur, and click your mouse button, that's it! I found out that by reloading the web page, the blur clears, and goes back to its original state. Overall, for the price, a no-brainer!
BlurWeb has become an indispensable part of my workflow. It is really a brilliant extension I love the ability to pick and choose the regions of the page or specific text or images to blur out. Makes it easy to record videos while keeping sensitive information secure. I am really looking forward to watching this tool evolve. Highly recommended.
Simple and brilliant idea! Could save you tons of time having to blur sensitive information in post production. Although the click to blur functionality works well, I'd love to have the ability to select HTML elements to blur out. Highly recommend!
Such a simple app that does what it says it's going to do and that is blur! I find it very useful that I can use it within google and not having to take a screenshot and then upload to photoshop and blur something out. The best part is when you do screen share and you can blue parts of the page out instantly. That's pretty cool. I haven't found any down sides of this app yet. It does what it said it would do. Blur :-)
This is a great tool. As I have to present often and sometimes I live stream, it is really great to have a tool to quickly blur out things right before I share them. Plus it helps when I am creating documentation. Easier to blur it from the browser than to have to try and blur it after the fact. Great tool. I highly recommend.
Less post-production with video The program saves a lot of time. No need to wriggle with video editing software, which I don’t want to show. Using the Blurweb App add-on is very easy. I use it with Berrycast.
Simple and Effective. An app that is simple goes hand in hand with its great utility when it comes to hiding sensitive information. Helping me keep my privacy safe without losing my love for sharing things from my browser. Highly recommended!
Nothing is more frustrating that watching a screen capture video and finding that you need to blur our this section or that. Ugh, helps to blur sensitive information on webpage in few clicks so you don't have to in post production video editing.
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